Empowering change,
one nation, one policy.

Transforming tomorrow through policy innovation.

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Your Gateway to Comprehensive National Policies in Sri Lanka

About Us

Welcome to SL National Policy Platform!

Your Gateway to Comprehensive National Policies in Sri Lanka

Embark on a transformative journey into the heart of policymaking with SL National Policy, a pioneering platform dedicated to aggregating and disseminating the wealth of knowledge encapsulated in the national policies of Sri Lanka.

Established with a clear vision and an unwavering commitment to advancing the field of policymaking, SL National Policy stands as a beacon of excellence in the compilation and accessibility of comprehensive national policies. Our organization is built on the pillars of expertise, collaboration, and a resolute mission to empower decision-makers with the insights they need.

Nazeer Latiff


SL National Policy Platform

Our Vision

At the core of SL National Policy's mission is a dedication to providing a robust platform for subject experts and academics. With a keen focus on the significant areas shaping Sri Lanka's trajectory, we have emerged as trailblazers in the compilation of comprehensive national policies.

Our purpose

Facilitating the creation of national policies lies at the heart of SL National Policy's purpose. We recognize the importance of harnessing the diverse perspectives and deep expertise within our community to address the complex challenges faced by Sri Lanka. Through our platform, we provide a space for meaningful dialogue and collaboration, ensuring that the policies developed are not only well-informed but also deeply reflective of the realities on the ground.

The SL National Policy advantage

Our platform is not just a repository; it's a dynamic ecosystem that thrives on collaboration. We believe that the most effective policies are born from the collective wisdom of subject experts and academics. SL National Policy invites these thought leaders to contribute their invaluable insights, fostering an environment where the synthesis of knowledge leads to the creation of policies that resonate with the needs and aspirations of the Sri Lankan people.

Key features

1. Comprehensive Compilation

Access a wealth of national policies covering vital sectors and issues crucial to Sri Lanka's development.

2. Expert Contributions

Benefit from the collective knowledge of subject experts and academics who shape and refine policies through their invaluable contributions.

3. Interactive Collaboration

Engage in meaningful discussions, workshops, and collaborative initiatives aimed at refining policy frameworks and fostering innovation.

4. User-Friendly Interface

Navigate our platform effortlessly, ensuring that the wealth of information is easily accessible to policymakers, researchers, and the general public alike.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

SL National Policy invites you to be a part of this groundbreaking initiative. Whether you are a subject expert, an academic, a researcher, or a concerned citizen, your involvement is crucial in shaping the future of Sri Lanka.

Explore, engage, and empower change with SL National Policy – where expertise meets innovation, and robust national policies are crafted for a brighter tomorrow.

Join SL National Policy today and be at the forefront of shaping Sri Lanka’s future.


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